Nov 7, 2011

DARPA Shredder challenge : $50000 prize offered

The United States Department of Defense agency DARPA which develops new technologies for US defence came up with a puzzle solving challenge in which they offered $50,000 for winners.


This is simple We will be given shredded peices of a paper(document) which has to be reconstructed.Here the level of complexity is in the no. of peices the paper will be shredded. There will be given 5 puzzles with increasing complexity. The one who solves all or who gets highest points will win
The ability to reconstruct shredded documents will potentially yield information that may save lives or offer critical information about an adversary’s plans,” said Mr. Dan Kaufman, Director of DARPA’s Information Innovation Office. “Currently, this process is much too slow and too labor-intensive, particularly if the documents are handwritten. We are looking to the Shredder Challenge to generate some leap-ahead thinking in this area.

The Shredder Challenge is composed of five separate problems in which the number of documents, subject matter and the method of shredding is varied to present challenges of increasing difficulty. To complete each problem, participants are called upon to provide answers to puzzles embedded in the content of reconstructed documents. The overall prize awarded depends on the number and difficulty of problems solved

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