Aug 5, 2011

World Wide Web @ 20 : 20 years since first website launch

Imagine where would we be without Tim's invention?
At 2:56pm on 6 August, 1991, Tim Berners-Lee launched the very first website

A NeXT Computer was used by Berners-Lee as the world's first web server and also to write the first web browser, WorldWideWeb, in 1990. By Christmas 1990, Berners-Lee had built all the tools necessary for a working Web: the first web browser (which was a web editor as well); the first web server; and the first web pages, which described the project itself. On August 6, 1991, he posted a short summary of the World Wide Web project on the alt.hypertext newsgroup. 

This date also marked the debut of the Web as a publicly available service on the Internet. The first photo on the web was uploaded by Berners-Lee in 1992, an image of the CERN house band Les Horribles Cernettes.

alt.hypertext article on www contains :

Facebook Like button to include other gestures(dislike) and Ads in your News Feed. WSJ

 in order to better serve 3rd party developers and business users.

Present worlds largest social networking company Facebook  has engineers working on an “unfiltered” news feed where businesses and developers could obtain information that would increase the potential of showing up in the feed, according to WSJ.

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