Aug 6, 2011

Vulnerabilities in Chrome OS : Black Hat conference

Google’s highly desirable operating system, ChromeOS has loopholes that can be violated to take over the system easily.
According to tech website Venture Beat, two security experts, Matt Johanson and Kyle Osborn, on Tuesday revealed to a group of people while addressing the Black Hat conference that they have already found a way into Chrome OS which was officially launched by Google Inc. a few months ago.

The two researchers who work for WhiteHat Security’s Threat Research Center (TRC) said that they exploited a flaw in ScratchPad after months of research and study. ScratchPad is an app that enables OS users to save their notes on Google Docs.

“This conversation is about the web, not Chrome OS. Chromebooks raise security protections on computing hardware to new levels. They are also better equipped to handle the web attacks that can affect browsers on any computing device.” A spokesman for Google Inc. said in response to the claim made by both the researchers at the conference being held in Las Vegas between July 30 and August 4.

The hack of the OS allowed researchers to access emails, documents, contacts and even voice messages of a Chrome OS user.  While Google has patched many of the mentioned flaws, experts say that the issues with the OS still remain unrepaired.

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