Aug 5, 2011

Facebook Like button to include other gestures(dislike) and Ads in your News Feed. WSJ

 in order to better serve 3rd party developers and business users.

Present worlds largest social networking company Facebook  has engineers working on an “unfiltered” news feed where businesses and developers could obtain information that would increase the potential of showing up in the feed, according to WSJ.
This would also impact the “like” button to be modified to create other gestures – including the long-desired “dislike” button.

The changes are designed to address some of the biggest frustrations by third-party developers and marketers on Facebook: standing out in the News Feed. The News Feed is a stream of information that users see on Facebook's home page; the information is currently filtered by the social network.

  People familiar with the matter said Facebook's new products are still being tweaked and could change, especially the role developers will get to play in the new feed. The changes are expected to be announced at Facebook's F8 conference for developers, the people said, in addition to other announcements. The conference took place last year in April; Facebook hasn't said when the conference will take place this year.

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