Jun 21, 2011

Ddos attack :why what how

From last two months barely anybody heard about the term "DoS" or "DDoS", but nowadays everyone appears to be using it.
However, people do not seem to understand the actual meaning of the term. For example: one week ago my friend said that CIA website  has been "ddosed" for 2 hours(he meant, someone was insulting the website).
I'm getting pretty tired of the use of the term while barely anybody actually knows what it means or is facing real attacks, so I've decided to make this post to make it all clear.

What is a Dos or DDoS attack?

The purpose of a DoS or DDoS attack is to overload a server (as in "a computer" used to host services, not a "private server") by overloading it with connections.
An overload on a server will cause the server to go offline for a while and be unavailable for the users, meaning that any services such as a website or private server will be inaccessible.

Is there a difference between a DDoS and DoS attack?

Yes! There's a difference between a DDoS and DoS, even though the purpose will remain the same.
Many people believe it's the same and just use the term "DDoS" because an extra D rougher, but that's incorrect because people here are most likely facing a DoS attack instead of a DDoS attack.

DoS stands for Denial of Service. An attack coming from one single computer and internet connection.
If you have any tool on your computer to attack a server, it'll be a DoS tool. By using the tool you're exposing your own IP address, computer information and such information to the target of your attack.
In most cases a simple attack coming from one single computer is not strong enough to make a server unavailable.

My private server is down, is it a DDoS attack?

No. Like I said, barely anybody here has a proper botnet and is able to do such a DDoS attack.
If you are facing an overload of connections it is most likely a DoS attack coming from a single computer, if it was a real DDoS attack your internet connection probably wouldn't even be working unless you are using another internet connection to host your website (e.g. a dedicated or virtual server at another host/datacenter).

Can I defend my server, private server or website from such attacks?

Yes, it is possible but hard for a private server. Your host usually has an expensive firewall (such as CISCO's), but these gadgets are to fight real DDoS attacks.
Attacks done in this RuneScape private server business cannot be considered as real attack because they're too small to be recognized by firewalls, which will mean you have to fight it on your own.
Fighting attacks is easier when using an OS like Linux with Shell instead of Windows with remote desktop, however I'll spare you this story because you most likely do not want to use Linux due to all the typing instead of clicking. For people who are serious in life, internet and fighting the attacks, obtain some information about "null routing".

How to make Ddos attack !!

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