Aug 1, 2011

Adobe Edge Preview: A New HTML5 Web Motion and Interaction Design Tool

Adobe® Edge is a new web motion and interaction design tool from adobe that allows designers to bring animated content to websites, using web standards like HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS3. 

What is HTML5 ? Whats New in HTML5 : Cheatsheet [INFOGRAPHICS]

HTML5 is a language for structuring and presenting content for the World Wide Web, a core technology of the Internet. It is the fifth revision of the HTML standard (originally created in 1990 and most recently standardized as HTML4 in 1997) and as of August 2011 was still under development. Its core aims have been to improve the language with support for the latest multimedia while keeping it easily readable by humans and consistently understood by computers and devices (web browsers, parsers etc.).

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Jul 31, 2011

Now you can also mention your not-yet-born relations in facebook

Woman can now announce pregnancy status on Facebook

Expectant mothers can now announce their pregnant status on social network site Facebook -- complete with baby names and the expected time of birth.

Jul 30, 2011

New Google Search UI for Tablets

a new and improved search interface

Google got new search interface on tablets as part of their Google design and experience, The new interface results are be simplified and the buttons are easier to tap and the image previews are larger and thumbnails will load faster with the great continuous scrolling feature.

Jul 29, 2011

Facebook offers bounty to security bug hunters

[AFP] Facebook began offering rewards of $500 or more on Friday to security researchers who identify vulnerabilities in the social network.

Google Man : Microsofts satirical Video on Gmail service privacy

Microsoft satirical Video shared the funny take on Google’s email service approach to privacy at its recent Microsoft Global Exchange sales conference. 

Jul 27, 2011

Chrome Dev channel has been updated to 14.0.835.0 for Mac and Linux, and 14.0.835.2 for Windows.

Google has updated the alpha “Dev” build of Google Chrome to 14.0.835.2. This minor update is notable largely for the amendment of one of its multi-touch features to avoid a conflict with Mac OS X Lion, which was released last week.

Pixazza rebrands as Luminate

Pixazza is losing its unwieldy name as the company looks to evolve from being a photo ad network that specialized in tagging jpegs and gifs for direct response in-image purchases, to a wider platform for sharing, indexing and creating apps for online pictures. 

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